A game-changing mental health charity
My Black Dog is a charity that offers anonymous, peer to peer mental health support in England and Wales.
Talk to someone who gets it.
My Black Dog was founded on the motto "talk to someone who gets it". We want to connect people who share lived experiences to provide an empathetic, non-judgemental space where everybody understands how it feels to experience mental health struggles.
We know that talking about your mental health is hard. Really hard, and coping with it alone is tough, and it is constant. It is not just when you are at a crisis point but also when you are in the early stages: weeks, months, maybe even years before that point. You're surviving, but you aren't quite living. Talking with friends and family may seem overwhelming, you might think going to the doctor isn't necessary, perhaps you don't think it's serious enough to talk to a counsellor.

Taking care of your mental health is the most important thing you can do for yourself. If you're feeling shaky, don't fob yourself off, because getting help now could prevent a crash later down the line.
If you are overwhelmed and you're not sure who to talk to, talk to someone who gets it. With our volunteers, there's no judgement. They've been through it all: trips to the doctor, sessions with counsellors, conversations with family and friends, medication, breakdowns. They might be able to guide you and get you on the road to feeling better.
Our services are FREE. We are online every day through our chat function. REAL people, REAL experiences, ZERO judgement, ALWAYS.
You are NOT ALONE.